Post Info TOPIC: Skop jangkauan RADIXBAND

RE: Skop jangkauan RADIXBAND

I don't think you are reading well. My whole point is for you to be fair. Reserve your condemnation to those wolves in sheeps clothing. I don't think radixband is your enemy. Has it ever occured to you that you might have misunderstood them? When you entered this thread you've already made up your own presumption. You want to give advice but you want to have upper hand on opinions. Is that really your style?

When you use the word "Propaganda", your context is very disappointing. Are you now accusing radixband of being insincere, selfish and money-motivated? Where did you get that? Do you know them personally? Have they caused you any personal harm? You got it totally wrong. They don't go around begging people for money. They don't go around disturbing or slandering other christians ministry. They just play the kind of music that they like. What's wrong with that?


"Thought, do you seriously think that every musician must belong to group to better serve the Lord and His flocks? I don't intend to belong to one. Do you see music as something that only belongs to 'P&W' ministry? What about the Children's ministry? What about the Women or other ministries in the church? If someone from the Children ministry asked you to help them with their praise and worship session, would you reject just because it doesn't fit in your music genre? For your information, I don't delimit myself to just involve to a particular ministry. Other ministries needed someone to help them out too."


I don't understand what you're trying to imply there. My whole point of being in a band is to really experience the ups and downs together so that every member can grow and mature together. That's all. Are you imagining some David Koresh type of cult? You're letting your presumption running wild! There is no exclusivity. No superchristian mentality. No holier-then-thou attitude. They still attend their own local church and minister there. Why don't you try to clear your head of those negative imaginations of yours?

Try not to be emotional about the whole thing. You've done good things. You'll get your rewards in heaven. All christians expect that. However try to open your mind to other possibilities. I think radixband is not about "christian band" but more of "christians in a band". Don't make too many presumptions before you meet them personally. You could have been misled.




Look, I don't mean to start a holy war here, but I'm just clearly stating that not everyone is into their kind of music. Fullstop. Not all churches are into their kind of music. Fullstop. They want to do interdenominational ministry, they should take account of how other churches worship, and what do they need to break that barrier. Fullstop. This is supposed to be a platform for free speech. Everything beyond that was merely your presumptions about me. Be thankful that I'm brave enough to say what I think. There are Christians out there say nastier thing than what I've said. You want me to give them a chance, I have. And like I said again and again, their music is not of my kind.

I need to make things clear here. First, my intention is to challenge them in their walk with God. People say they are not spiritually strong, like what I've said. So, how do they should respond? Prove to us who said such that they are not what we think they are. Second, did I ever mentioned that RadixBand is spreading propagandas? As far as I've recalled, I referred that to the secular bands. Third, you asked me whether I've involved in establishing Christian bands. So, answer = I don't belong to one. Do I need to belong to one? From what I understand before, you have the mentality that every musician must belongs to a band. And that is what I'm trying to clarify to you then.

I don't think I'm emotional about the whole thing. But I truly believe that you have not read me well. I have stated my points explicitly, and I choose my words carefully. Do not assume things that I have not jot in. And far from my imagination that I'm trying to play the saint here. And, in fact, I've known some of the members there personally. My question is this, do you?

So, I would kindly ask you to not accuse someone before understanding their background, that refers to me. I guess in this case, you are the one who is having negative presumptions here. Take my remarks as a healthy challenge for you.

God bless and regards.



Since you've totally blown up your cool perhaps it is better to just stop here. I've no intention to further aggravate your irritation or annoyance. You said people should be thankful for all your comments. Well okay. No problem. If that will make you feel better then why not?

Be in peace, no harm was done.........



I am very disappointed with your final remarks on my statement. You think I wanted to create a fighting scene here? I'm trying to promote healthy debates among fellow members in Christ. Again, I said, this is supposed to be a platform for free speech, and I believe you agree with me on that. Earlier, I have mentioned that you have already stated your point that you like this kind of music. Fine, but please bear in mind, I'm not into your kind of music. Don't just shove on people's face and force them to accept your likings. It shows very much that you have no respect towards other's opinion. You ask me to be fair. Oh yes, I have, I respected your opinion. Okay, fine. But, are you being fair to those who prefer music that differ to yours?

Besides, you have said earlier on that nobody is preventing anybody expressing opinion here. Yet, at the same time, you question my credibility of airing mine, whether I'm qualified enough to give my views. Can anyone tell me something contradicting is happening here?

Unless you are one of the RadixBand, who gave you the right to represent the band's stand on their ministry? I can choose whatever word I want to say about RadixBand. What makes you so blown up with what I say? You sound so protective with what people say about this band, while all these while we are talking of how each individual worshipping the Lord.

Honestly speaking, yes, I'm aggravated with what you say. You don't just go around and attacking other people personal life. As far as I'm concerned, I speak in a very general way about RadixBand, at least for one I don't question to the very detail of how they worship, what church do they attend, or how they get their financial support. Now, who is having the holier-than-thou attitude here?

However, despite that, I forgive you for your remarks. Nevertheless, I seriously advice you to reconsider on your approach to question other people's opinion. Don't forget, this is a Christian website, where each Christian exhort each other in serving the Lord.

God bless and regards.



As I said earlier.....

"Be in peace, no harm was done......"



Suit you.



Wei org2 kristen, jangan gaduh-gaduh.... pintar sangat memberikan pandangan, tetapi nampak sangat ke-egoisan dalam diri korang tu, di mana kasih yang bible anda war-war kan selama ini ? adakah semua itu cuma khayalan dan mitos semata-mata ?

Good Samaritan


Hi all…

Im quite new here and I found that this topic here is so interesting(how wide the scope of RadixBand should..)


I`ve been involved in music ministry at church more than 15 years. I dont agree that money is a principal benchmark of evaluating our success in ministry. Yes..I do understand that most of ministry and churches are limit financially. For the past 15  years me and my family have been moving to a different church twice in a different place.Where both church we have to start from zero until what we are today. I can say that not every one can understand this. I`m not boasting but for the glory of our God Jesus, my family gave what we can to the Lord expecially the music equipment and sound system only because we want to see God can be praised supposedly. And we have decided to do it and really moved our butt to do it. But yet I am so disappointed with remarks thrown  that sounds exactly like this “If anybody is not happy about that then maybe they should do something themselves to realize their own conviction and dream instead of criticizing others who are doing something”. Do we have to tell about what we did in the past so our comments and critics can be heard? Again, no mumbling as what we did is to little compare to what He did to us. 


To be honest…I myself happy with Radixband. I thanked God that He gave us talented individual who can play music.But Im sorry to tell that Im not into what they THINK. If you want to tell me that they are doing the same like GMB who preached through their music and thousands of youngsters admit Jesus is Lord, I don’t think so. Maybe they know GMB and GMB know them but their gap difference is parted far(well not so far) xpecially when I knew Radixband join a band competition months back (read Matt 4:10b) . I have to disagree with the intention.


Amos 5: 21(in BM) Aku benci dan muak dengan perayaan agama kamu; Aku jemu melihatnya!Apabila kamu mempersembahkan korban untuk menyenangkan hati Tuhan dan korban untuk mengucap syukur kepada Ku, Aku tidak menerimanya……..Hentikanlah nyanyian kamu yang membisingkan itu; Aku tidak mahu mendengarkan permainan kecapi kamu. Sebaliknya berusahalah supaya keadilan mengalir seperti sungai dan kejujuran mengalir seperti air yang tidak pernah kering. ( An extreme God`s rejection on Israel..)

I`m not perfect. But I believe we must see this unchanged verse above positively as we want to please him more and more xpecially in this changing world.Im not judging but shooting my opinion..GBU               



Oh dear......Not again..............





Saya orang baru dalam laman web ini. Namun saya bersyukur kerana laman ini dibuat khusus untuk para hamba-hamba Tuhan tampil untuk menyuarakan pendapat masing-masing.


Seperti Good Samaritans, saya juga seorang pemuzik gereja yang sudah lama melayani di gereja saya sendiri, sampailah kehari ini. Selama 13 tahun saya melayani Tuhan banyak jerih payah yang saya lalui, khususnya dalam pelayanan pujian penyembahan. Saya masih ingat pada umur yang begitu muda, pada suatu pagi hari minggu saya dipercayakan untuk melayani dalam kebaktian umum dan harus melayani seorang diri sebagai pemimpin pujian dan bermain gitar kapok sambil membawa jemaat untuk menyembah Tuhan. Mengimbas kembali hal ini, saya tidak sedikit pun merasa menyesal dengan peristiwa itu, bahkan ini membangkitkan semangat saya untuk melakukan yang lebih baik bagi kemuliaan Tuhan. Saya melihat pengorbanan yang saya lakukan ini tidak standing walau sedikit pun seperti apa yang Tuhan Yesus lakukan diatas kayu salib bagi dosa kita semua. Semoga saya dapat memberkati anda melalui pengalaman saya ini, dan Tuhan di muliakan.


Saya merasa gembira dan bersyukur kepada Tuhan kerana terdapatnya kumpulan band yang muncul beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini. Seperti Chozen, Whitedove, GMB dan sebagainya. Di home town kita sendiri wujudnya kumpulan seperti RadiX band dan Borneo Praise Ministry. Mereka memang talented dan berani melakukan apa sahaja untuk Tuhan.


Namun pembawaan sesebuah kumpulan itu perlu jelas dan matang secara rohani. Saya berpendapat pembawaan yang di bawa oleh beberapa kumpulan muzik dari Indonesia sangat jelas, contohnya seperti GMB. Setiap konsert yang diadakan berkisar mengenai Tuhan Yesus dan bagaimana menerima Dia merupakan satu alternative terakhir untuk sampai kepada Bapa. Saya masih ingat semasa menghadiri konsert GMB di Sacred Heart KK tahun yang lalu, brother Sidney mengongsikan pengalaman hidupnya bagaimana dia yang dulunya seorang yang terlibat dengan free sex, bertobat sungguh-sungguh dan kembali kepada Bapa. Bagi kita di sabah kita melihat tindakan brother Sidney mungkin agak memalukan diri sendiri, tetapi inilah yang dikatakan radikal untuk Yesus. Dan saya melihat dia sangat menyesali dengan apa yang dilakukannya. Dan ia tidak malu untuk mengatakan Tuhan Yesus yang menyelamatkannya dari semua hal itu. Saya berpendapat ini merupakan konsert penginjilan unggulan……


Saya teringatkan kisah-kisah di dalam pelayanan Tuhan Yesus dimana ia sering melayani orang sakit, orang kerasukan setan, meredakan angin badai, membangkit orang mati, memberi makan 5000 orang, menukarkan air kepada anggur dan banyak lagi. Pelayanan Tuhan Yesus juga adalah diantara pemungut cukai, orang berpenyakit kusta, pelacur, orang miskin/kaya dan sebagainya.


Walaupun dalam semua hal ini saya tidak langsung pernah melihat didalam Firman Tuhan menyatakan bahawa Tuhan Yesus perlu menjadi pemungut cukai, pengidap penyakit kusta, atau Tuhan Yesus tidak perlu menjadi pelacur untuk menjangkau pelacur. Contohnya Maria Magdelina (Lukas 7:36-50).


Pembawaan pelayanan yang jelas diperlukan oleh semua hamba-hamba Tuhan. Kita tidak perlu terbawa-bawa dengan perubahan zaman ini yang hanya menitik beratkan unsur-unsur  radikal yang tidak terarah kepada Bapa. Contohnya, membawa penyanyi secular melayani bersama kumpulan band rohani. Saya yakin sekiranya pemuji dan penyembah tidak wujud lagi, Tuhan akan bangkitkan dan jadikan batu-batu untuk memuji Dia.


Hamba-hamba Tuhan zaman ini juga tidak perlu menjadi orang lain untuk menjangkau orang lain. Kerana Tuhan telah memberikan kita kuasa sebenarnya untuk melakukan semua pelayanan kita. Dalam kehidupan kita, melalui kata-kata dan attitude anda sahaja orang lain akan dapat menilai sejauh mana perhubungan anda dengan Tuhan.


(Yoh 8:47)Siapa yang berasal dari Allah mendengar Firman Allah. Maka Firman Allah katakan, (Roma 12:2) Janganlah kamu menjadi serupa dengan dunia ini. Kerana itu dapatkah kita berkompromi dengan dunia ini lagi?. Jenis perubahan yang Tuhan inginkan bagi kita zaman ini juga tercatat dalam ayat ini, iaitu perubahan pembaharuan budi. (Selidiki sendiri). Namun persoalan berikut pasti timbul….


Bagaimana mereka yang berasal dari Allah masih serupa dengan dunia ini?”



It's okay to be honest. It's okay to say that you're different from the others. But some people talk about things they don't really know. They make a lot of assumptions. Just because they hear a little here and read a little there, they were misled into thinking that they know sufficiently to qualify them to give advice. Anybody who thinks they know something please share how deep you know? Are you involved personally? Did you get your hands dirty? 15 years is a long time. Some people will be impressed by numbers. No problem. That's their style. Some people crave for appreciation. Some people need extra attention. Some people even got disappointed because they cannot understand what others are saying. How can a statement like “If anybody is not happy about that then maybe they should do something themselves to realize their own conviction and dream instead of criticizing others who are doing something” can upset those who chose to act rather than criticise? Okay, let's try again. Suppose you're doing something that you believe is right then someone who is not doing anything or maybe doing different thing start to criticise you, don't you feel that person is a busybody and meddling in other people affairs. What right do you have to criticise something that you are not doing or something that you don't know how to do? It's weird but maybe you can explain how's your logic supposed to work? Statement like "Do we have to tell about what we did in the past so our comments and critics can be heard? is also weird. It's supposed to be pure common sense. You will appreciate more the comments from the people who are doing the things that you are going to do. Are you going to ask advice about legal things/law matters from a mechanic? Are going to ask cooking recipe from a plumber? Or are you thinking that you can offer any advice you want and expect it to be taken seriously? What is the justification for that? If I say your opinion is not going to be helpful because you lack real experience in the field, are you going to be mad? Why? Are you sure that you're not going to say the same thing if the same situation happen to you?

To those who claimed to know GMB, tell us how much you know. Have you been to their house? Have you seen how they handle temptation, criticism, disappointment or failure? Have you earned their trust until they will reveal to you their deepest feeling or disappointment? If the answer is no, please try to be more realistic next time. Your comment only reveal how superficial your analysis is. When you quote the bible verse, what exactly you're trying to say? The same verse can be applied to you as well. That verse is not just talking about singing and music. It's about how you live. Are you free from corruption, laziness, pride, jealousy etc. etc.? It talks about justice. Are you being fair when you criticise what you don't understand? You talk about changing the world, tell us what impact you yourself have made to the population in KK? Do you have the platform to speak about God and righteousness where everybody regardless of their race, age, gender, religion, education, wealth can actually hear you? 

Another guy talks about ministering in the church for 13 years. 13 years in praise & worship. Tell us how many people have you discipled? How many have actually taken your lifestyle as their model? How many have you trained to be able to do what you can do? Do you feel that you're still growing? Is the P&W in your church have reached what you expect them to reach? If not why not? Don't get me wrong. You have done good things. But if you attended the konferensi you will know that faithfulness is not just about "maintenance" but in expanding and maximising one's God given potential and abilities. 13 years. How's your quality of musical instrument playing? How's your singing quality? How many songs can you memorize? Can you do acapella impromptu? If the none believers out there see you sing or play instrument will they be impressed and start asking where did you learn to be this good? From there on they know how to relate to the true God where quality is important. Or will they say "The god that these people worship is so uncreative, poor and dull. He can't even make his people understand the meaning of quality!" Come on man! If you want to glorify God in the eyes of the none believers you have to understand how they think. Don't try to force your way of thinking into theirs and expect them to like it. You have to talk their "language" before you can make them understand what you're trying to say. Just because you believe you're doing God's work doesn't mean that everyone will believe you. Why should they? You haven't shown your true color! I agree with your opinion that a musical band need to have clear direction and maturity. You quoted GMB. But let me ask you, how do you get "direction" and "maturity"? Can you buy these things? Can you get them instantly? I'm sure you believe that the answer is NO. These things take time. It needs time. Do you expect a baby to become mature in 1 week time? Of course not. So while he is growing how do you treat him? Do you treat him like an adult? You will be stupid to do that. While growing he will make many mistakes. Can he grow properly if he is getting punished for every mistake he makes? Ask yourself that question. The best answer is to make available the most suitable environment and atmosphere where growth can happen naturally. Can you force growth? Yes, by injecting steroids or other things to enhance and speed up the growth process. But is it good in long run? Definitely not! So my point is this, if christians want to see a very good quality musical band that is not only good at their musical skills but also have solid christian character, the christian community must work together to create the suitable environment for this to happen. If not then you will continue to see band after band being shot down by their own.

It is weird that you made this statement: "Walaupun dalam semua hal ini saya tidak langsung pernah melihat didalam Firman Tuhan menyatakan bahawa Tuhan Yesus perlu menjadi pemungut cukai, pengidap penyakit kusta, atau Tuhan Yesus tidak perlu menjadi pelacur untuk menjangkau pelacur. Contohnya Maria Magdelina (Lukas 7:36-50)." What are you trying to say here? How do you compare that with playing in a band? A band is a band. They play music, sing and stage performance. They are supposed to be watched. How do you know your band is good if nobody can watch it performs? Maybe you can give more detail on how you can make the comparison and similarities between being in a band and the statement you made.

"Pembawaan pelayanan yang jelas diperlukan oleh semua hamba-hamba Tuhan. Kita tidak perlu terbawa-bawa dengan perubahan zaman ini yang hanya menitik beratkan unsur-unsur  radikal yang tidak terarah kepada Bapa. Contohnya, membawa penyanyi secular melayani bersama kumpulan band rohani. Saya yakin sekiranya pemuji dan penyembah tidak wujud lagi, Tuhan akan bangkitkan dan jadikan batu-batu untuk memuji Dia." Again, you need to gather more info before you jump to such a negative conclusion. How do you know someone is secular? Do you know him personally? Have you talked to him? Or are you relying on gossip and rumor? I'm not accusing you but why can't you try to think more positively? Supposed there is someone who used to sing for the world, and later on he repented. How do you decide whether he is qualify to sing in a christian event? Can you give a guideline? I can tell you this, every church has different guideline. Some will say he must not sing for 1 year and after going through 20 counseling sessions, other may say he must come to the pulpit and confess every detail of his sin to everybody in the congregation before he is allowed to sing. Some will probably have a simple session with a leader that will be personally mentoring him and he is ready to sing for the Lord. So you tell me, what guideline will you use? Are you going to bring this issue to the SCC (Sabah Council of Churches) and get one guideline approved and endorsed? Well, if you are a practical person at all then you should know that such process will take ages and what should you do in the meantime? Your statement about the stones is quite funny. Imagine you said such thing and a person immediately ask you, "Why don't you bring a pile of stones on the stage and let's hear a magical "STONES" concert!!! My point is your statement does not offer practical solution. But remember that statement was uttered by JESUS. Do you think you really understand the meaning?

"Hamba-hamba Tuhan zaman ini juga tidak perlu menjadi orang lain untuk menjangkau orang lain. Kerana Tuhan telah memberikan kita kuasa sebenarnya untuk melakukan semua pelayanan kita. Dalam kehidupan kita, melalui kata-kata dan attitude anda sahaja orang lain akan dapat menilai sejauh mana perhubungan anda dengan Tuhan." What do you mean by "menjadi orang lain"? Are you saying you don't look to any man of God as a model or inspiration? Come on. What are you talking about? Everybody looks for someone to learn. When you do that part of that person will become you. I'll be surprised if you don't know about this. You say that only through words and attitude a person's relationship with God can be judged. Let me ask you: What is your real motive when you expressed these opinion of yours? What can you suggest to radixband? What do you think they should become? Where should they go? Who should they be associated with? Do you have any revelation or prophecy for them? In what way can you contribute to make radixband serves more to God?

"(Yoh 8:47)Siapa yang berasal dari Allah mendengar Firman Allah. Maka Firman Allah katakan, (Roma 12:2) Janganlah kamu menjadi serupa dengan dunia ini. Kerana itu dapatkah kita berkompromi dengan dunia ini lagi?. Jenis perubahan yang Tuhan inginkan bagi kita zaman ini juga tercatat dalam ayat ini, iaitu perubahan pembaharuan budi. (Selidiki sendiri). Namun persoalan berikut pasti timbul….. Bagaimana mereka yang berasal dari Allah masih serupa dengan dunia ini?”  What makes you think that radixband has violated this verse? Any of them are criminals, any of them committed adultery, any of them take corruption, any of them cheat, any of them blasphemy God, what are you talking about? Have any of them refuse to repent? I ask you: Where do you work? How do you earn your living? Have you ever cheated on your punch card? Have you ever claimed overtime more than what you deserved? Have you ever submit excessive claim? Have you ever told half truth? Have you ever cheated on your kids? Have you ever missed your turn on P&W roster? Have you ever broken traffic rules? Have you ever refused to donate to the beggars in KK? Have you ever gossip or spread rumor? Have you ever condemmed leaders you dislike behind their back? Come on man! Have you ever shared sexually oriented jokes? Have you ever shared you naughty past and feeling proud doing that? Get real man! You are not talking to kids here!!!




Well, good to know that this web site is still around after a while i was nt around....

This place is a place to 'shoot' our ideas regardless of our diffrent belief and opinion on certain issues. I agree with thought, gp samaritan,jnis and even kafir.... all your belief is undeniedly biblical.wt evidence of the Word of God.. with proven record..

But this is my opinion..

Firts of all... do you guys really think that this bunch of boys and girls Radix is imitating and following the footstep of GMB? or trying to be GMB Sabah? Do they have any resemblence structurely? Just put it to the point Jnis, TrueWorshiper and Gd Samaritan, if you really think that the Radix is doing smthing really wrong and sinfull and devilis and even under the influence of antichrist.

Quoted frm Gd Samaritan,


To be honest…I myself happy with Radixband. I thanked God that He gave us talented individual who can play music.But Im sorry to tell that Im not into what they THINK. If you want to tell me that they are doing the same like GMB who preached through their music and thousands of youngsters admit Jesus is Lord, I don’t think so. Maybe they know GMB and GMB know them but their gap difference is parted far(well not so far) xpecially when I knew Radixband join a band competition months back (read Matt 4:10b) . I have to disagree with the intention.

If Radix have to compete in band contest/battle of the band/AF/Malaysian Idol etc.. i will say go ahead radix.. No hard I will only judge after smtimes depending on their fruits of ministry..Life is a competition...Paul gave example of running and boxing contest... I mean wht the difrent of sport games, boxing title comp,singing contest? I think the church has been corupted wt the idea of holy things and worldly things.. same as they said..vince a secular singer... King David was a highly sought after entertainer! He was a write since he was a teenager.. Then he was  playing music and entertaining the King Saul few time or do call that a secular musician and singer? hello... and yet God was please wt King David.. Some people lost the cool when the sang some song without the lirycs 'God, Jesus, Lord' or the song talks about relationship... King salomon writen a book full with love song.. some never mention the name of the Lord...

This what i believe.. No such thing as secular singer or musician... God is the one who gave us the talent.. and  we have to  use it..  As long as we r a beliver..everthing we did  is accountable to the Lord.. It is Who play the music or sing the songs...


Frm True Worshiper,

Walaupun dalam semua hal ini saya tidak langsung pernah melihat didalam Firman Tuhan menyatakan bahawa Tuhan Yesus perlu menjadi pemungut cukai, pengidap penyakit kusta, atau Tuhan Yesus tidak perlu menjadi pelacur untuk menjangkau pelacur. Contohnya Maria Magdelina (Lukas 7:36-50).


Did u personally see radix members mingle2 and become/backsliden one of the above? or jadi peminum?tahi lepak?... Ohhhh tW.. you r trowing a scandalous accusation...


Frm TrueWorshiper,


Pembawaan pelayanan yang jelas diperlukan oleh semua hamba-hamba Tuhan. Kita tidak perlu terbawa-bawa dengan perubahan zaman ini yang hanya menitik beratkan unsur-unsur  radikal yang tidak terarah kepada Bapa. Contohnya, membawa penyanyi secular melayani bersama kumpulan band rohani. Saya yakin sekiranya pemuji dan penyembah tidak wujud lagi, Tuhan akan bangkitkan dan jadikan batu-batu untuk memuji Dia



Exactly... You dont understand the Word TW!!

God will use everybody to serve and to worship the Lord... God will use children(who barely understand whats going on) The bible said... Let who breath praise the Lord... Vince is alive... I believe Go is using him to bring salvation to pepole... And even animal.. God can use to save people..remember bila keldai menyelamatkan Bileam dari pedang malaikat? even the animal who dnt understand at can be used by God to save.


Good Samaritan


Hi all,
Wow!!I really din expect my ideas can bring so much impact that burns. Well it is good to say that everyone can share opinions and words. Really..from the bottom of my heart I never meant to hurt anyone xpecially Radixband or their fanaticdiehardfans. We all love Jesus don’t we ? If we got the whole time in this world, we really want to discuss about the verse that I gave but I hope this will help to clear things up.

Amos 5: 21(in BM) Aku benci dan muak dengan perayaan agama kamu; Aku jemu melihatnya!Apabila kamu mempersembahkan korban untuk menyenangkan hati Tuhan dan korban untuk mengucap syukur kepada Ku, Aku tidak menerimanya……..Hentikanlah nyanyian kamu yang membisingkan itu; Aku tidak mahu mendengarkan permainan kecapi kamu. Sebaliknya berusahalah supaya keadilan mengalir seperti sungai dan kejujuran mengalir seperti air yang tidak pernah kering. ( An extreme God`s rejection on Israel..)

Of coz I know and understand the story behind this verse…the hermeunitics as well as the xcegesis . Never meant to use it as weapon to shootdown Radixband or supporters or have their vision and mission changed. WHY oh WHY ??? I guess some Radix fans really disturbed with the verse huh Why? Izit bcoz of that word “hentikanlah nyanyian kamu yang membisingkan itu” or “persembahan korban yang tdk diterima Tuhan?”

As questioned earlier(Jnis) how radical are radixband??Are they musically radical or spiritually radical? No need to tell me the answer…as one already told me….wait for the fruit to come=). You know how to play music ka? Already produce fruit ka? Aiyaa…u busybody la want to judge-judge.Go do your own pelayananlaa..jaga tepi kain sinang tgk org lain sinang la, go have your own life la
Common man…this is a free forum where everyone can xpress their thought rite? I din try to stop Radixband from doing their magnificent brilliant fantastic concert with vince.Or their vision and mission. Or Their marvelous strong energetic, superior, electrifying entertaining music by their skilfull talented musician which blewed off their fans head. I thanked God Radixband achieved it. And now Im just delivering my stupid, weird ideas and opinion here in this online forum. No moneys charged rite?…

For your info, I cant play music so good, like you do, I cant sing so good, like you do but if a non believers come telling me how awful my music or my singing I still can be happy that He brought me that person and opened way so I can tell him about John 3:16…JK

Dearest Thoughts… You knew that the word in that verse is telling us about corruption, laziness, pride, jealousy etc…etc and It is talking about justice…Why you have to be so disturbed about that =) You knew it never meant to point or shoot Radixband but maybe the edge of some word is too sharp. Don’t be so sensitive. Read my sentence carefully without making negative assumption. Chill up man. (I`m sorry IF you a fanaticdiehard Radixband fan or a member of Radixband coz you sound so protective with that powerful sensitivity.) Our ideas and thought about that verse is the SAME. Im just inviting all to positively flashback about that circumstance where God rejected Israel’s offering.

Let us all try to avoid the same circumstance as God we all served is the same God that rejects Israel during that time that might just do the same thing with the coming reason might not only be corruption, laziness, pride, jealousy etc. etc but all sorts of things. And quotes that quoted” I don’t have to tell what I did in the past” (I mean the good things, what I did to His church, sacrifice and instead of my bad and dark past so that I can contribute my ideas in this online forum). Im just giving my ideas and opinion and nothing else.

As Im afraid PERFECT FAN will questioned what have I done to my church, to KK, to my kampung, to my community and only know to analyse or judging Radixband after xpressing my healthy biblical opinion unemotionally without bad intention, no sarcasm. But again..PERFECT INDIVIDUAL told me that it is weird… Emm..weird .
Again Im not judging, making assumptions..prosecutions,accusation. calm down and chill down the ATMOSPHERE…dearest Radixband…I know some of you well. And I heard lots about Radixband..Overall, I can say that you all are OK,power,mesmerizing, olto some of you are not ok (no need to mention n don’t make me mention coz I think everyone closed knows ) with that handsomefatchubbygeeky daring individual JK. My word is just a challenge and no need to get angry with it =). And yes..Let Every Breath Praise The Lord. I hope it is crystal clear here..Pls read my sentence carefully unemotionally and free from anger as this is only an explanation throughout this misunderstanding. GBU….

P.s Brother:…christian bands in KK, lets us join hand as we conquer all pubs, Battle of the Band, Malaysian Idol, Academy Fantasia.. Show to all that we can play music…masterpiece conspiracy, ridiculous, thinking about forever, portrait, turn the tides, january,february,march…..bla..bla..bla. And claim Him that fruits of our holy ministry as Jesus will be our cover to all spitting, prosecution, and accusation from churches and stupid pastors. Our talented faithful visioned hearted musician or singers can have a puff, go clubbing, live in scandalous life, get drunk or earn money with corruption .All ye don’t judge a book by its cover but look inside of our heart..our mission and vision. (Rom 12:2)

Yeahh…looking forward to see you at that finishing line where we are all winners.



Aaaah......Now I can talk level with you. I believe we're all trying to contribute to good cause here. It's just the communication sometimes got blurred for some reason. Despite your impression that I was in ****ed-off mood while writing my post, let me assure you that was not the case at all. Sarcasm and cynism are part and parcel of any internet forum. When you quote any verse just be ready to defend and explain your position. I think that is a proper thing to do. Otherwise you'll be sending the wrong message. When you said, "I guess some Radix fans really disturbed with the verse huh Why? Izit bcoz of that word “hentikanlah nyanyian kamu yang membisingkan itu” or “persembahan korban yang tdk diterima Tuhan?” can you apply that to P&W sessions where most of the people were just screaming and all the musical instrument making incoherent noise and people call that "HIGH PRAISE". Or when people just making unintelligible noise and they call it "TONGUE LANGUAGE"? That verse can be used to question anything that you don't prefer/like.

"For your info, I cant play music so good, like you do, I cant sing so good, like you do but if a non believers come telling me how awful my music or my singing I still can be happy that He brought me that person and opened way so I can tell him about John 3:16…JKIs that really a sign of humility or what? Do you realize that this kind of comment is so typical when christians are confronted with the question of quality. Listen brother, I'm not questioning your sincerity. I'm asking how you respond to God's demand of quality. Do you honestly think that you can present to God anything at all without any accountability? Try to remember the parable of the 3 servants. (Matt. 25:14) That's my point. After 15 years in P&W don't you think God expect you to improve?

No one is pretending to be perfect here. You should know better. Don't be offended if you cannot handle when you're confronted. I don't post my opinion to win any argument. Winning argument is pointless. I don't know you and you don't even know me. We're just faceless individuals expressing our opinions. Maybe I'm too straightforward for you. If that's the case then I'm sorry. I'm not superior than anybody here. I appreciate your opinions but I want to offer mine to get the whole issue well presented for everybody to consider. One last thing I'm not angry at all. So cheer up. We're just trying to make ourselves comfortable with each other! You know what I mean?



Don't be alarmed by the censored  "****ed". What I wrote was "p . i . s . s . e . d - o . f . f"

If this offends anybody in anyway, forgive me.




Hi Thought, Hi Brother. Thanks, both of you for your true statement and enthusiastic questions. I myself get more focus, preparing for u all. Nothing much I want to share. But as I stated before, my intention is to give opinion, and I believe its not shooting to any specific individual or group. Well we have to face the fact that some body will get frustrated. But I think its good for the sack of our spiritual growth in Christ.

Brother it is good if we can know each other, although we have different perspectives regarding praise and worship. I do not know how high your level of knowledge in P&W, but from your explanations, I can say that your integrity in Christ is average. I suggest you to involved more in biblical seminar or try to find P&W books from any Christian centre. Don’t get me wrong here is an optional suggestion.

Brother : if you really think that the Radix is doing smthing really wrong and sinfull and devilis and even under the influence of antichrist.

Who said Radix is doing something really wrong, sinfull and satanic. I know I’m not. My God!! Control yourself brother!

Brother : No hard I will only judge after smtimes depending on their fruits of ministry.

Do you know how many and what is spiritual fruits is?

Paul? Do you know who is Paul and his past life? He is a Disciples killer, but becomes great disciples of God himself. You must see this because Paul is not a disciple in the first place and converted himself to be a criminal. Hope u understand this.

The church is corrupted? Sorry man, the building and name of the church are not the savior, its Jesus. Corrupted wt the idea of holy things and worldly things, what are you trying to proof here? Try this, Holy things = JESUS and worldly things = SIN, can Jesus have sin? Sorry man! This is basic fact about GOD.

Do you know King David? Of coz he is a musician, singer and songwriter. But he does all that just to glorify GOD and only Him. Sorry man! Do you know how he set King Saul free from the demonic possession? (1 Sam 16:14-23) By his praise and worship. Do you know why? Becoz his song is anointed by GOD. Have u ever sang an anointed song?

If you can look in 1 Peter 2:9. God said we are a royal priesthood. Do you know the character of one priest? Do you know any priest won AF before? Hehe…I don’t.

Brother : Some people lost their cool when they sang some song without the lirycs 'God, Jesus, Lord' or the song talks about relationship... King salomon wrote a book full with love song.. some never mention the name of the Lord...

Do you know who King Solomon really is? He is King David corrupted son. Sorry man! Do you know to whom he write his songs?

No such thing as secular singer or musician? Then who is Jesus to you?

Do you know what is the meaning of the word “praise” and “worship”. Let us see in John 4:23-24. Do secular singer sing this kind of worship. Is GOD exalted in their songs? Do you know why GOD’s name needs to be mention in every song lyrics? Because there is a power when we use His name. If you do not believe in His power, may God helps you. (John 16:24)

Do you know the most desirable offering for God? Its your body, your life. (Gal 2:24)(Psalm 37:5)

Brother : Did u personally see radix members mingle2 and become/backsliden one of the above? or jadi peminum?tahi lepak?... Ohhhh tW.. you r trowing a scandalous accusation...

Marah ni…! Friend, honestly I do not know them well, but I recognize them. You know an action speaks louder than words. But why r u accusing me, I never says specifically which group is it. And why r u so protective to this group why don’t u protect POD?

Do you really know the meaning of “Christian”? Sorry man, it is not a religion. It is a relationship. Not with this WORLD but with JESUS.

God will use everybody to serve and to worship the Lord... God will use children(who barely understand whats going on) The bible said... Let who breath praise the Lord... Vince is alive... I believe Go is using him to bring salvation to pepole... And even animal.. God can use to save people..remember bila keldai menyelamatkan Bileam dari pedang malaikat? even the animal who dnt understand at can be used by God to save.

Correction there brother, God only used those who have selected by Him. (John 15:16). Yes I agree every one who has breath praise the Lord, but not all praises are acceptable by GOD. God will use vince to bring salvation but after he repent. Sorry brother, pujian penyembah tiada kaitan dengan keldai menyelamatkan bileam. ALL THE BEST.



How many people have I disciples? I think this question is not a mature question; I suggest you can ask Jesus this question to before following His footsteps. But for your info, I have 14 person under may supervisions now.

How many have taken my lifestyle as a model? It’s not me; Jesus is the model.

How many I have trained? I have quite a number.

Yes I’m still growing. Last week a 17-year-old youngster is lecturing me how to be punctual.

Quality? Have u ever heard about our brother and sister in China. Do you know how is their ministry there? Music, forget it. But still, why there are so many people turn out to Jesus there? From my experience actually quality is a must, but it is not the major qualification for us to serve and gain God favor. I think you are an expert in this, don’t you?

You want to glorify God in the eyes of a none believers? Do you know to whom the none believers give their glory?

Don’t force my way of thinking? If God is by my side, who am I?

Jesus is my true color not my skills.

Do you know that God is selecting His people? By His grace we are selected not because how good we are. ( Yoh 15:16)

Sorry man, even the baby needs time to grow, if he rejected his father guidance, he will be lost and this continue even when he grown up. Do you know the bible permitted parents to use “rotan” to discipline their children. Amsal 23:13-14

How do you interpret the phrase “solid Christian character”.

It is weird that you made this statement:

The statement maybe weird to you, try ask your Pastors. Try to seek BM fluent Pastors. Thank you.

How can I know someone is secular? I don’t really know. Maybe he won 1st place in AF, his song is listed in the Muzik-Muzik broadcasting, he is an idol to the secular world. Basically I know him, but I never talk to him and if I said it is a gossip or a rumor, I won’t be so sure, because he admit all this himself last PMM SIB Sabah conference, and I was there.

I think you are a bit mixed-up here. There is no guideline. But there is Holy spirit that guided us. Someone who repent after involvement in secular, is like someone who lost but found again. But in some cases, there are person who are already found but trying to get lost again.

Practical is good. But you need to use your mind and favor from God to use it. In another word “Practical biar bertempat”. SCC ; their produce guideline in this world for Christians. But seek and explore the ultimate guideline from the bible. Pst. Yonatan Patiasina katakan bukan baca saja tapi renungkan. Maz 1: 2-3

Thought!, About the stone. Do you know it’s biblical? I feel surprise if you do not know about this. Of cause I bring the stone, although the stone will not sing, but you know what, I will never rejected God’s power. I don’t just understand the word; I apply it in my life.

I’m surprised you don’t know the meaning of this word “menjadi orang lain”. I thought it’s easy and in BM some more. Yes of cause I look for someone to be my model of inspiration. Yes, I agree we have to learn from someone. But I found out Jesus is my ultimate model. When you ask me my motive, it’s the same with your motive when you ask me the questions. You are thinking I’m trying to criticize someone. The answer is No. But we have to differentiate between model and idol.

Regarding the verse that I gave, try to read the whole phase first and explore a bit. I get your point, when you tell me all about the sin available these day. But, sad to tell you that I never committed all those things. But still I’m saying I’m not perfect, besides I take some times every day to repent before God. But one thing for sure, your claim of me as if you trying to judge me. Hehe…. Do you judge Jesus because of His madness at the church stated in the bible?

You are not talking to kids here!!!

Geez!!I’m quite shock when you said this. I found out that maybe my statements have triggered your life. Don’t be my man. We are one in the body of Christ. Sometimes hindrances will mature our Christian life and relationship with God. For all Radix and their fanatic supporter, I wish all da best and let this verse be your guidance all the way to success in the future. 2 Peter 1:4-8



Syallom Good Samaritan,

P.s Brother:…christian bands in KK, lets us join hand as we conquer all pubs, Battle of the Band, Malaysian Idol, Academy Fantasia.. Show to all that we can play music…masterpiece conspiracy, ridiculous, thinking about forever, portrait, turn the tides, january,february,march…..bla..bla..bla. And claim Him that fruits of our holy ministry as Jesus will be our cover to all spitting, prosecution, and accusation from churches and stupid pastors. Our talented faithful visioned hearted musician or singers can have a puff, go clubbing, live in scandalous life, get drunk or earn money with corruption .All ye don’t judge a book by its cover but look inside of our heart..our mission and vision. (Rom 12:2)<==U shocked me GS. I tot u sasat ody.But when I opened my bible i found that I was wrong. 

I like the way you write your sentence. It got hidden power..Let me rephrase it back. 

Rom 12:2: "Do not conformed to this WORLD but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect" 

(IN INDON) Roma 12:2 "Janganlah kamu menjadi serupa dengan dunia ini, tetapi berubahlah oleh pembaharuan budimu, sehingga kamu dapat membedakan kehendak ALLH; apa yang baik,yang berkenan kepada ALLAH dan yang sempurna.




I'm in jovial mood so I'm gonna have fun responding to TW. TW already claimed to have beaten Jesus' record of having more than 12 disciples. What can I say. Go ahead and break more records! Oh yeah!!! The next few responses from TW are hard to digest. Is he really humble or what? When talking about quality, TW refers back to the believers in China. I really don't see the similarity within the context of the discussion but somehow TW can see it. TW didn't even read Matt. 25:14 and try to relate his answer with that parable.

"You want to glorify God in the eyes of a none believers? Do you know to whom the none believers give their glory? Don’t force my way of thinking? If God is by my side, who am I? Jesus is my true color not my skills."

I'm not sure how to respond to this. TW always says Jesus, Jesus but the real question is how do none believers know that TW has Jesus in his life if it is not his character, attitude, ability etc. etc? In case TW is afraid that I'm advocating "Work to earn your salvation" then TW is dead wrong! My position is: Salvation by Faith in God's Grace (Jesus' dying on the cross etc. etc.) and that Faith is proven true by work and finishing the race of life.

On the baby stuff, okay I've no problem with disciplining. But what does that gotta do with the subject under discussion? TW, please refocus your attention. Another thing you should bear in mind is, don't assume people think like you do. You ask me to ask my pastor for what? My pastor will laugh at me and ask me what kind of joker I've been talking to. You know what I mean?

Your definition of "secular" is inadequate. You remember the parable of the wheat and tares? Why are you trying to divide "secular" or "non-secular" (whatever that means to you) when it is clear from Jesus own words that while you live in this world it is impossible to totally separate the righteous and unrighteous?

I don't have time right now to talk about the SCC, stones, "menjadi orang lain" etc. etc. I promise you I will deal with that one by one. My request is you try to do the same. I know we think differently. I maybe a radix supporter but I'm definitely not a BLIND supporter.

Time is almost up. Catch you later!!!



Okay, let's continue shall we?

"I think you are a bit mixed-up here. There is no guideline. But there is Holy spirit that guided us. Someone who repent after involvement in secular, is like someone who lost but found again. But in some cases, there are person who are already found but trying to get lost again."

Mixed up? Okay let's try again. In your opinion what is the best way to regulate the behaviour of christian community in KK? Is it not through the issuing of guidelines from individual church? How about the behaviour of ALL the christians in KK regardless of the denominations? Again through a joint committee. (i.e SCC) You say Holy Spirit will guide. That's right. But if you really have more then 10 yrs ministry experience then you should know that there are many disagreements between christian groups and organizations. How do you resolve these? I bet you've never been involved in the decision making process in the leadership level. If you have you should know how difficult it is sometimes to reach a majority decision or even harder a unanimous one. What is 'secular' according to you? Is being 'secular' the same as being 'evil', 'ungodly', 'unrighteous'? If that is so then what do you do to earn your living? Does money fall from the sky to your lap? Aren't what you're doing for your income is 'secular' and therefore you're an evil person?

About the 'stone' part, I thought you have a good sense of humour. Yes it is in the bible. Jesus said that to the Pharisees who were offended by the crowd's loud praising voice during His triumphant approach to Jerusalem (Luke 19:39-40). The question is why you choose this verse to respond to radixband issue. Are they the Pharisees here? And who are you? Jesus?

"menjadi orang lain": What are model and idol? Who is radixband model and idol? Do you know? You said Jesus is your ultimate model, does that mean you are a carpenter? Do you wear the 1st century jewish peasant clothes? Do you sing their style of music or hymns? Surely you will say it is model on the inside. Then what is the difference with radixband? Who do you think they want to become? GMB, OneWay, BonJovi, Westlife, POD, Petra, Queen, Rolling Stones, U2, Boyzone etc. etc.? What is your problem with musical band? What do you suggest to christian musician? Play in the church for their lifetime? Can the church pay them enough to survive? Can they raise their family adequately in the city? School fees, rent, bills, fuel, taxes? Make and sell christian records? Who will buy? Is it financially feasible? Do you really know this stuff?

I'm not sad when you said you never committed to any of the bad things listed. In fact I'm happy for you. Did you think I'm expecting you to be a bad person or condemning you? No man. I'm just saying that to tell you that I think radixband is a bunch of normal people like you and me. They will have to face the same ups and downs in life. So don't use different standard when talking about them, about yourself or about your good friends. That's not fair. Who are we to judge Jesus? Are you crazy? Whatever He says is the truth. All about Him is the truth. But you and me? We're just ash if it's not for God's breath of life.

You are not talking to kids here!!! Did that shock you? I'm sorry. Your statements did triggered me. I'm shocked at your range of opinions which are closed minded and biased. I have nothing against your personal approach to christianity. But when you talk like you know deep things and yet fail to present convincing arguments, that's really a pain you know? I honestly believe you're a passionate kind of guy. But somehow your line of thought seems to be parroting the old conservative christian paradigm of the 50's.

2 Peter 1:4-8 : Key words: Very great and precious gifts, destructive lust, goodness, knowledge, self-control, endurance, godliness, brotherly affection, LOVE. From what I know radixband is a just a band within a community of christians friends. They formed a band because they have the talent and ability. There are people around them whom you do not see on the stage. These people are important to them. TW, as christians we have to have good friends that believe in the biblical messages. The verse you gave is all about being in a biblical community of believers. The nature of this community is what you have in the Acts 2:44-47, 4:32-35. How much do we see this today? Is it wrong to strive for this? Jesus said there is only one way to make the world notice, that christians love one another with the kind of love Jesus gives. How do we do that without a community? How do we start a community without common interests or vision? radixband is not just about music, singing, loud guitars or jumping around the stage. There is more to that. Yet they're just getting started. Let God be the author and finisher of their faith.




Hello fellas, Been awhile. Wow, it's getting hot around here.

Kafir =  Have you seriously been in a Christian debate before? You know what the word 'debate' stands for? When you refer 'kasih' does that mean that you have to jaga hati everyone eh? Face it, it's real life.

Thought = well, we had fun time arguing with each other, so I'm just going to skip you in this. By the way, I'm not Good Samaritan.

Brother = For crying out loud, where on earth that I say RadixBand is practicing occults? Where did I say that they are doing sinful and devilish thing? Can you please quote the sentences in my previous posts that I say such thing? If I don't, than I believe somebody is spreading seriously offensive rumours in this site. Please, don't accuse me for something I haven't written at all.

Good Samaritan = How on earth would you think that I'm jealous of RadixBand? I'm challenging the band in their spiritual life with God (I can't believe I have to restate it back) What's wrong with that? Besides, if you said I'm judging the spiritual life of the band members, think of it this way, don't you think you're judging my spiritual life too? Aren't you yourself playing the judge here? How righteous are you to point on mine or everyone's spiritual life? If everyone has your type of mentality, the 'jangan jaga tepi kain orang', I guess no ministry will be successfull at all, as the saying goes 'no man is an island'. That's life. It's up to you to see how you accept everyone's remarks.

Finally, I've come into agreement with Thought. Nobody is pretending to perfect here. Well, at least, I'm not.

Later all.





Thank you again thought for you passionate response for my message. Obviously I can summaries that you are trying really hard to provoke each and every words that I wanna say. But don’t worry; I will consider it as a passionate compliment from you.


Hehe…actually, we all are God’s disciples. I think you are to shy admitting that you never disciples any person before. Hey, It’s ok with me. Just start from now. Why are you comparing Jesus and me? I still talking with you, right? Meaning I’m still in this world, right? And hey! All along I’ve been thinking that you are radical guy, breaking record is good, what? (disciples here means => domba la, bukan rasul, get me! Have you joint a CG b4?) TW refers back to the believers in China. Sadly, here is the similarity. Can’t you see, there are so many ministries and music is not the major thing, one can promote Jesus. Music is just a medium used to attract an individual to praise something or someone.


Your action is more valuable than your words(except Jesus). many disagreements between christian groups and organizations, I ask you, what are the disagreements all about? There will be no SCC by now if there are still disagreements between them. Hehe….For me the “secular” depends on the subject where we use it. Yalah, everybody working in a secular world. Of coz we have to cari makan in this secular world. There’s still tons of job you can find in this world. Why choose something that disappointed God. (Dun used this phase to rise an issue) Hehe…rojak some more. But what I mean is secular singer. Don’t change the subject, please! Secular=worldly right? You want to promote Jesus by singing Gospel song in front thousand of none believer? For me its ok, personally. But if you just sing the song and there’s no action taken to challenge the none believer to receive Jesus, what for?  Don’t alter the subject so that you can ask me questions; If that is so then what do you do to earn your living? Does money fall from the sky to your lap? Aren't what you're doing for your income is 'secular' and therefore you're an evil person?


I’m not Jesus, but He live in me. Hehe….in you to. Why you suddenly ask me if radixband is a Pharisees? I remember you said that this band is just a band. Now you, yourself talking that radixband are a Pharisees. You find out yourself about the “stones”.


Yes, I’m a carpenter. Descendents of Jesus. He sends me to change the looks of broken furniture in this world. Hehe…why are you asking me if I have problem with musical band? Because I also one of a musical band member. But the difference about our band, I know my group member, I pray with them, we disciples none believers, pray for the sick, encourage each other and doesn’t do singing to earn money. Hehe….although we just a moderate band, but I still feel God working in our mist. No doubt that we want to accomplish a greater standards in promoting our band, but we like it best if it is according to God’s will for us. Sorry to tell you thought but from my survey I can see that there will be more outstanding Christian bands out there in Sabah that can perform well than radix. And no doubt that God will rise up a true worshipper this end time.


I love to talk to you sometimes in the future, but I think it is best if we can get to know without finding out who you are behind thought and who I am behind TW. See you then. I’ll rap my case. Whatever you want to say after this, it ok. Besides we are different. C U thought. GBU.   



I've met people who debate their points like you before. Not my style but it's okay. I still cannot understand how you can connect radixband with the christians in China though. Are you saying radixband should stop using their talent to follow the chinese ways? If that is so maybe you should be sharing to us how you've been doing house church in KK or Sabah since this is the most effective way to face the persecution there?

Now you're implying that there is no disagreement/difference between christian groups and organizations. At this point of time I begin to wonder whether you're really from planet earth or what? Do the words like doctrines, methods, approaches, lithurgies, christians acceptable conducts etc. etc. will help ring some bell in your head? HELLO? TW you're really amazing. I begin to doubt if you're really reading properly.

You say there are tons of job we can find in this world. Please help yourself and go read the unemployment statistics mister!!! Wow! Do you really have to show off your ignorance? If what you say is true then we shouldn't have anybody unemployed don't we? By your own words you're implying that 'secular=worldly' singers are a disappointment with God. Well, I don't even want to comment on that. You take that up to GOD. You're accountable with what you say.

"But if you just sing the song and there’s no action taken to challenge the none believer to receive Jesus, what for?" This comment only confirms that you have confined yourself to the "altar call" mentality as far as evangelism is concerned. If that's the only way you can understand evangelism then what can I say. I just wish you all the best to organize as many crusades as you can so you can make the altar calls and hopefully you can get all the denominations to cooperate and send their teams to harvest the souls and bring back to their respective systems.

You've got problem understanding my response on the 'stones'? Well forget it TW. It takes a good sense of humour to get it. 

"Yes, I’m a carpenter. Descendents of Jesus. He sends me to change the looks of broken furniture in this world. Hehe…why are you asking me if I have problem with musical band? Because I also one of a musical band member. But the difference about our band, I know my group member, I pray with them, we disciples none believers, pray for the sick, encourage each other and doesn’t do singing to earn money. Hehe….although we just a moderate band, but I still feel God working in our mist. No doubt that we want to accomplish a greater standards in promoting our band, but we like it best if it is according to God’s will for us. Sorry to tell you thought but from my survey I can see that there will be more outstanding Christian bands out there in Sabah that can perform well than radix. And no doubt that God will rise up a true worshipper this end time."

Congratulation for the self-promotion TW!!! You've hit the BULLSEYE on this. You're definitely on your way to greatness! (Whatever that means) I can only wish radixband can be as humble as you........




Originally posted by: Jnis
"Hello fellas, Been awhile. Wow, it's getting hot around here. Kafir =  Have you seriously been in a Christian debate before? You know what the word 'debate' stands for? When you refer 'kasih' does that mean that you have to jaga hati everyone eh? Face it, it's real life.

Thanks Jbis coz u have mercy on me.. hehhe no u not ... berdebatlah, saya faham sgt definisi "benda" ini, mungkin debat lebih membawa jiwa daripada konsert radix jeng jeng jen, cuma saya harap Jnis bukan jenis yg cakap tak serupa bikin ... go ahead ...

Good Samaritan


Hi all,

Good Samaritan = How on earth would you think that I'm jealous of RadixBand? I'm challenging the band in their spiritual life with God (I can't believe I have to restate it back) What's wrong with that? Besides, if you said I'm judging the spiritual life of the band members, think of it this way, don't you think you're judging my spiritual life too? Aren't you yourself playing the judge here? How righteous are you to point on mine or everyone's spiritual life? If everyone has your type of mentality, the 'jangan jaga tepi kain orang', I guess no ministry will be successfull at all, as the saying goes 'no man is an island'. That's life. It's up to you to see how you accept everyone's remarks.

Misunderstood...misunderstood.To my dearest beloved Jnis.Please read my statement carefully I think you should read it from the beginning. I never mentioned that you are jealous of Radixband.I`m just using ur statement (Are they spiritually or Musically radical?) AS A QUESTION to ask someone. Im not judging anyone and hey, wats wrong with the nickname here man...Too Good to handle huh.Ahaha.

To all debaters. Please read carefully before launching your missiles. Dont just simply attack people as they might be your friend.

Good Samaritan


Hi one..hi all...

Ok...once again. 

I point all this full statement to dearest THOUGHT as my reply to his previous posted statement.

Wow!!I really din expect my ideas can bring so much impact that burns. Well it is good to say that everyone can share opinions and words. Really..from the bottom of my heart I never meant to hurt anyone xpecially Radixband or their fanaticdiehardfans. We all love Jesus don’t we ? If we got the whole time in this world, we really want to discuss about the verse that I gave but I hope this will help to clear things up.

Amos 5: 21(in BM) Aku benci dan muak dengan perayaan agama kamu; Aku jemu melihatnya!Apabila kamu mempersembahkan korban untuk menyenangkan hati Tuhan dan korban untuk mengucap syukur kepada Ku, Aku tidak menerimanya……..Hentikanlah nyanyian kamu yang membisingkan itu; Aku tidak mahu mendengarkan permainan kecapi kamu. Sebaliknya berusahalah supaya keadilan mengalir seperti sungai dan kejujuran mengalir seperti air yang tidak pernah kering. ( An extreme God`s rejection on Israel..)

Of coz I know and understand the story behind this verse…the hermeunitics as well as the xcegesis . Never meant to use it as weapon to shootdown Radixband or supporters or have their vision and mission changed. WHY oh WHY ??? I guess some Radix fans really disturbed with the verse huh Why? Izit bcoz of that word “hentikanlah nyanyian kamu yang membisingkan itu” or “persembahan korban yang tdk diterima Tuhan?”

As questioned earlier(Jnis) how radical are radixband??Are they musically radical or spiritually radical?( I use Jnis question again,to ask THOUGHT, and not judging Jnisbut, no need to tell me the answer…as one already told me….wait for the fruit to come=). You know how to play music ka? Already produce fruit ka? Aiyaa…u busybody la want to judge-judge.Go do your own pelayananlaa..jaga tepi kain sinang tgk org lain sinang la, go have your own life la  ( Cynical remark)

Common man…this is a free forum where everyone can xpress their thought rite? I din try to stop Radixband from doing their magnificent brilliant fantastic concert with vince.Or their vision and mission. Or Their marvelous strong energetic, superior, electrifying entertaining music by their skilfull talented musician which blewed off their fans head. I thanked God Radixband achieved it. And now Im just delivering my stupid, weird ideas and opinion here in this online forum. No moneys charged rite?…

For your info, I cant play music so good, like you do, I cant sing so good, like you do but if a non believers come telling me how awful my music or my singing I still can be happy that He brought me that person and opened way so I can tell him about John 3:16…JK( Cynical remark too)

Dearest Thoughts… You knew that the word in that verse is telling us about corruption, laziness, pride, jealousy etc…etc and It is talking about justice…Why you have to be so disturbed about that =) You knew it never meant to point or shoot Radixband but maybe the edge of some word is too sharp. Don’t be so sensitive. Read my sentence carefully without making negative assumption. Chill up man. (I`m sorry IF you a fanaticdiehard Radixband fan or a member of Radixband coz you sound so protective with that powerful sensitivity.) Our ideas and thought about that verse is the SAME. Im just inviting all to positively flashback about that circumstance where God rejected Israel’s offering.

Let us all try to avoid the same circumstance as God we all served is the same God that rejects Israel during that time that might just do the same thing with the coming reason might not only be corruption, laziness, pride, jealousy etc. etc but all sorts of things. And quotes that quoted” I don’t have to tell what I did in the past” (I mean the good things, what I did to His church, sacrifice and instead of my bad and dark past so that I can contribute my ideas in this online forum). Im just giving my ideas and opinion and nothing else.

As Im afraid PERFECT FAN will questioned what have I done to my church, to KK, to my kampung, to my community and only know to analyse or judging Radixband after xpressing my healthy biblical opinion unemotionally without bad intention, no sarcasm. But again..PERFECT INDIVIDUAL told me that it is weird… Emm..weird .
Again Im not judging, making assumptions..prosecutions,accusation. calm down and chill down the ATMOSPHERE…dearest Radixband…I know some of you well. And I heard lots about Radixband..Overall, I can say that you all are OK,power,mesmerizing, olto some of you are not ok (no need to mention n don’t make me mention coz I think everyone closed knows ) with that handsomefatchubbygeeky daring individual JK. My word is just a challenge and no need to get angry with it =). And yes..Let Every Breath Praise The Lord. I hope it is crystal clear here..Pls read my sentence carefully unemotionally and free from anger as this is only an explanation throughout this misunderstanding. GBU….


And last private/personal statement to Brother.

Hope that all is clear..Again statement( mine or others)  might refer to your long way back previous statement so again please make yourself responsible as every word is counted as your major ideology and your current stand.




GS, you've gotta be one of the great candidates for internet comedy! Though you seem like completely run out of ideas but at least you still attempted to respond by using old material. Nevermind bro/sis! Keep posting, you've been very sporting. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! GBU.

Good Samaritan.


Dearest perfect THOUGHT,(diehardfanatic supporter)
Haha..candidates for internet comedy huh? Well here something to tell you.U urself havent got anything that answer anyones answer pointed on you. U only know how to copy and paste…copy and paste..copy and paste and bla bla.. I think you are the best candidates for the RADIXBAND FORUM INTERNET COPYPASTE MASTER with the strong unrelated answer that turn everyones head. Just copy….and paste and give twisted and turn around answer. No doubt, you are so skillful and master in this..ahaha. Anyone can do the copy paste thing, but YOU ARE SO MASTERRRRRR MANNNN MERRY CHRISMAS TO YOUUUU!!!!

Hey…here sumthing new I learned from you THOUGHT.

Poster by Good Samaritan
.. I think you are the best candidates for the RADIXBAND FORUM INTERNET COPYPASTE MASTER
çThis is weird…Try and read the bible more often. Read this verse (Austin 3:16) Try read..MATT 100:100(new verse by a new diciple that mastered that same skill maybe)...Im superiorIm superiorIm superiorIm superiorIm superiorIm superiorIm superiorIm superiorIm superiorIm superior

Poster by Good Samaritan
Oh yess…Merry Chrismas to you too.
ç This is crazy…Hari Raya is still on..Are you nuts,one month celebration mannn.

Poster by Good Samaritan
….Radixband is so electrifying. They only wanna be popular and famous.
ç Now, we are now level…bla..bla…bla. with Sarcasm… bla bla bla..bla bla.bla bla bla..bla bla.bla blabla bla bla..bla bla.bla bla bla..bla bla.bla bla bla..bla bla.bla bla bla..bla bla.bla bla bla..bla bla.bla bla bla..bla bla.bla bla bla..bla bla.bla bla bla..bla bla.

Poster by Good Samaritan
….Jesus our Lord more electrifying than Radixband….
ç Heyy…watch out aaa. Radix is not devilis aaa. They are much more electrifying from that Jesus from Philipines or Venezuela ( if u know wat I meant). Im superiorIm superiorIm superiorIm superiorIm superiorIm superiorIm superiorIm superiorIm superiorIm superiorIm superiorIm superiorIm superiorIm superior

Ok la. The winner in this RADIXBAND FORUM is quite obvious..None other than our COPYPASTE MASTER himself. Congratulation!!Ohh…yaa..u told me rite…winning is pointless.But u deserve it man. Be it.





Computer got infected?




Originally posted by: Good Samaritan.

"Dearest perfect THOUGHT,(diehardfanatic supporter)

actually GS.. 'Thought' is not a diehardfanatic supporter of radixband.. he's one of the member of the band itself.. just want to shed some info to you.. hehe.. the 'gereja rumah' guy..  



Oh yesss! At last one of the "actual" radixband has come forward. So how's my application? Approved or still KIV?



how should i know?? this is the 1st time i heard of a lead singer of a band who's not a member of the band.. perrgh.. talk about irony..






radixband better abandone and go back churchlah. if already pub band they gone case. no need to talk much. don't disgrace other christianlah. they ego is to much. the konset very worldly and dangeros to young people. bad influence and testimnoy. they personal life also need kounseling.



Oh well, what to do. Let everybody decide whatever is right for them. Keep your peace and be enslaved or fight your war and reach the glory.


Good Samaritan.


Hi all, wonder our Mr THOUGHT here is so PROTECTIVE and keep defending RADIXBAND. He himself is Radixband lead singer. No wonder...this answered our riddle. Threatening us by asking other christian to repent or burn to hell. Maybe He meant that we have to support radixband to gain that salvation or we will go to hell. All christian know the KING shall and will come and he shall judge each and evryone of us and dont forget, THAT INCLUDE RADIXBAND member and our respective Mr THOUGHT as Radixband lead singer himself and of coz he is the winner of our Online Radixband Forum.

I think evryone who went to that concert that nite can see CRYSTAL CLEAR THE TRUE COLOUR(who they really are) of Radixband. With their OBSSESSIVE fan.



Alright!!! This is getting more interesting. We're now in the guessing game. Instead of concentrating on the issue some people want to know who and who. Okay GS, since you're desperately wanting me as the radixband lead singer, I won't disappoint you, I can play that role for you.

Just a correction for you, my last post was not meant for ALL christians but only for "why". He/She has given a personal condemnation that said radixband is a gone case. So what to do. In effect "why" was saying to radixband "THE KING IS COMING BACK!!! REPENT OR BURN IN HELL!!!". So don't worry or offended GS, that wasn't for you. You're okay. You're the "good boy" type. 

So GS, are you getting so worked up that you're unable to offer new ideas in our debate? I'm sorry that I said you're a great comedian but what exactly you're trying to say when you said the following: "RADIXBAND FORUM INTERNET COPYPASTE MASTER, This is crazy…Hari Raya is still on..Are you nuts,one month celebration mannn, ….Radixband is so electrifying, They only wanna be popular and famous. ….Jesus our Lord more electrifying than Radixband….
ç Heyy…watch out aaa. Radix is not devilis aaa. They are much more electrifying from that Jesus from Philipines or Venezuela ( if u know wat I meant). DON’T FORGET…COPY AND PASTE..WITH THAT OPPONENTS BODY HEAD SLAM TO THE GROUND, CRIPPLES CRIPLER, PEDEGREE, HEAD STUNNER SKILL THAT U`VE MASTERED as your introduction"?

I was a bit concerned that you were going "short circuit" for writing all that. It's something in the cartoon when you see "#!*%@?!%!!!" Did you really lose sleep over whatever I wrote? Take it easy man! I don't want you to get hurt.

I got the feeling that you now really hate this band. Especially now it's the band's own alleged lead singer you're talking to. Nevermind GS. Go back to your own ministry where you are needed and can do best there. If what radixband is doing or what they are is making you uneasy just remember they have nothing against you and what you do. So go out to the real world and tell them about Jesus. Don't let radixband divert your concentration.

As for me, ehem,ehem the lead singer of the radixband, just pray that God will have mercy on me.

P/S Thanks for making me "the winner of our Online Radixband Forum." I don't know or care who appointed you as judge or jury, but I accept it anyway. Enjoy GS!


Good Samaritan.


Hi all,

Ahahaha....somebody is getting burning ?Why Thought? U din see what is our youngsters here try to xpress here?? Instead of me, We all think you are such a joker around. You and your word are making us laugh. Cant you even read well? Or you are just a NATURAL SLOW PICK UP PERSON? Anyway Chill up man..This is an online forum rite. Just stick your self together ok.

Well, its not that I dont have idea to fire you and your copypaste mastered skills reply with that unrelated answer but to tell you the truth, seems you got every answer to evry question. I guess It is wise for me not to pursue with question as you will only make our question a reason to condemm me back including those who are not a radixband supporter.

Why Thought? You are really afraid and angry and burning when I said that "now everyone knows the TRUE COLOUR OF RADIXBAND" after they went to that concert? You are so afraid this "GOOD BOY" words unleashing every details of what happened on that concert that hides in everyone`s heart? After all, Im not talking rubbish here.

What I said here about that concert is TRUE and everyone who were there on that VERY CONCERT Knows it. Instead asking your colony try asking those who are new to Radixband and you will shocked with their opinion about the concert. and I said this to you Thought; Everyone got our own eyes and ears. We see and we compare it in what we learned in church. oh yess...why do you have to mention that the king is coming, repent or burn in hell? Obviously you are pointing those words to us,xpecially those you fooled you with the idea that radixband is a bad influence to all youngsters and bad testimony to all christians and church musicians.

We understand your intention THOUGHT. U will use anything so you will win and radixband is approved and accepted to all. You told me about that sarcasm and cynism thing rite? Catch your tail here old man.

Yes...Of coz you must be happy. You are a winner here. No one win like you do. Hold on to that title. It xpecially yours. Dont worry, coz I care



Good Samaritan, I never thought this thread could go spiraling down so deep and degenerate into pathetic ego/pride contest. I supposed I have to own my share of the blame for provocation. If all we can think of now is playing the physcological game of trying to get the other hurt more, then it is really pointless. As I always said for me winning an argument is never an objective. It is better to have someone come to their own conclusion. We have arrived at a stage where we can't even talk about the issue but instead throwing insults and ridicules. I'm not really interested in that. The other thing is we can't even concentrate on what the other is saying but instead making more assumptions and launching more attack. Okay here's the deal. I take back all the things I've said to you that might have hurt you. I regret saying all that and I wish you well. God bless you.


Good Samaritan


So far I am concern, Im still sticking on the related topic rite? Juz a few additional unformal statement to adjust the situation...Apologies accepted and stop pretending humble. Here is something that may attract your interest.

A question for you THOUGHT. Some of the debaters including me comes to our conclusion on that Radixband concert. We dont , we cant and we shall not like it and we have stated our reasons.

How about you? How do you see the ATMOSPHERE at that concert? Give us reason why that concert is truly a blessing for you and your spiritual life. From that very concert, can you xplain the effect or impact to the younger generation which is now still in sunday school, teenagers after they see that concert? Unless you were on the stage concentrating on your show(if you really a radixband lead singer), you cant xplain a thing.

This tell us how wide the scope of radixband rite?.



For the benefit of other forum participants, I would like to politely decline to respond to Good Samaritan's questions. Perhaps the others would be able to offer alternative viewpoints and subsequently enjoy fruitful discussions. Merry Christmas to whosoever celebrating and have a great festive season. God bless!



hellooo.....hai....WOW...tak sangka forum ni is my first time masuk laman web ni.......taksangka pula best ye...coz dpt kongsikan idea masing2.......kalau macam tu...saya pun mau kasi luah lah idea and apa yg terbuku di dalam hati ini......

First of al....saya 200% menyokong si Jnis..................bukan apa tapi pandang2nya lebih masuk akal dan bernas............lainlah kalau mcm si though...protect orang aja.....mungkin juga dia salah seorag anggota group radix band......pada saya.......tidak salah kalau ingin menjangkau jiwa2 dgn musik yg kita bawa tetapi haruslah berpada2........

to be honest....saya sangat tidak di berkati dengan konsert konverensi PMM tahun ini........realy2 unblessed.....................konsert itu seolah2 diexploitasikan oleh sesetengah pihak terutamanya dalam pembawaan lagu2 heavy.......seolah2 konsert itu digunakan untuk meyatakan ketidak puasaan sesetengah pihak......well...tidak tahulah tapi ini lah yg saya rasakan........................................

saya pasti selepas ini akan ada yg mengutuk2 atau mengkritik komen ini...namu sebelum itu saya mengampuni kamu semua........kan ni free talk........happy new year.....


satu saja harapan saya agar wang PMM tidak digunakan untuk group radix bank...kan itu personal group and has nothing do to with  PMM organization......walau pum membernya dari PMM Pusat......



kita mesti berhati hati dalam pelayanan. jangan mudah hanyut dalam arus dunia. orang sib harus sedar asal usulnya. tetap pegang nilai nilai desa. jangan terpengaruh dengan budaya kuning. pakaian wanita di tv menjolok mata. yang mewarna rambut seperti gaya perempuan kelab malam bahkan seperti gambar pelacur pelacur haram dalam daily ekspres yang ditangkap. ada ramai sudah wanita sib yang terikut ikut dalam kesesatan ini. isteri isteri pemimpin pun ada. doakan mereka. semua anggota sib harus menyokong acara acara sib yang dianjur. jangan mau glamor dan minta puji di pentas kdca saja. acara pmm saja yang diutamakan sedangkan acara lain tidak. kehadiran dalam seminar seminar lain sangat jauh ketinggalan. persiapan pun ala kadar saja dibanding dengan konferensi. inilah orang orang muda sib yang tidak tahu mengenang budi dan seperti kacang lupakan kulit. kalau bukan pemimpin pemimpin lama belum tentu mereka ini masih kristian. perlu ada kerendahan hati. acara pujian penyembahan konferensi pun sudah tiada urapan. anggota yang melayani langsung tidak ditapis. akibatnya ada pemuzik yang langsung tidak berminat firman Tuhan tapi melayani. siapa punya tanggungjawab ini? kenapa ini terjadi? konset pun sudah jadi duniawi. tiada hadirat. apalagi panggilan mimbar. diharap komiti baru pmm dapat berbuat sesuatu untuk membaiki semua ini. hutang masih tidak selesai selesai. laporan kewangan pun samar samar. yang buat kesilapan tapi masih ada dalam komiti harus ambil peluang untuk memulihkan apa yang salah. soal kewangan ini memang sensitif. jangan sekali kali ada yang makan duit atau menggelapkan. jangan bayar sembarangan atau kos yang tidak masuk akal. ini bukan tuduhan membuta tapi berdasarkan apa yang tertulis. jangan dibayar apa apa yang tiada resit atau perjanjian bertulis. kalau sekadar claim lisan jangan dilayan. resit palsu harus dilapor kepada kepimpinan. pmm harus kembali kepada kepimpinan gereja lokal masing masing. kalau ada percanggahan biar peringkat kepimpinan yang selesaikan. jangan menabur fitnah dan buah mulut. semua ketetapan pusat sib berhubung pakaian wanita dan muda mudi serta fesyen rambut haruslah dipatuhi oleh semua peringkat. janganlah melawan pemimpin kerana mereka akan bertanggungjawab.





Piji Tuhan haleluyah. Adajuga orang yg masi dapat memberi nasihat dan petunjuk dalam web ni. betul tu veteran. kita semua yg dalam pelayanan ini jangan sekali kali makan duit Tuhan atau gerja. kalautiadsa invois dan resit jangan bayar.kecuali semua sehati sepakat setuju mau bayare.

eh masi ada difilsit kewangan pmm kah? banyak betul org dtg masa knset tu. penuh.  kalau begini smua pemimpin pmm mestilah duduk dan post mortem dan selesaikan. jangan suru pemimpin pmm yg baru yg tanggung . mana smua pi tu duit... Kalau begini.. bukan radix dan vince sahaja yang mengecewakan. tapi kepimpinan pmm sib sabah pun sangat mengecewakan. laporan bertulispun samar2? Pecat!!! 




Originally posted by: tompinai

"jangan suru pemimpin pmm yg baru yg tanggung . mana smua pi tu duit... Kalau begini.. bukan radix dan vince sahaja yang mengecewakan. tapi kepimpinan pmm sib sabah pun sangat mengecewakan. laporan bertulispun samar2? Pecat!!! "

aiseh.. ketinggalan juga ko ni tompinai.. sudah bah kena pilih kepimpinan pmm pusat yg baru.. tapi itulah.. kesian bah dorang terpaksa settle problem kepimpinan pmm yg sebelumnya..

world today


to veteran, go to hell with ur church ... nilai desa ? puh ... go back to da stone age .. nothing to do with ur church like that ... baik no agama dari beragama tapi masih pandang serong pada "org lain" ... tu yg bible ko ajar ? entahlah ... makin hari makin nampak agama cumalah sekadar nama dan permainan ... bore with da religion .........



A Pray for world today....

Bapa kami yg di sorga yg kami kenal didalam nama Tuhan yesus, Tuhan saat ini saya berdoa khusus untuk saudara "World Today' agar suatu hari nanti dia sedar betapa besarnya kasihMu kepada dia....Bapa sorgawi, saya berdoa agar suatu hari nanti hatinya terbuka bertobat dan seterusnya untuk menerima Engkau sebagai Tuhan dan juruselamatnya secara peribadi....Bapa saya berdoa agar dalam apa jua keadaannya, Engkau terus memimpin perjalanan hidupnya baik dalam pekerjaannya, keluarganya, ekonominya dan semua aspek kehidupannya agar dia terus dapat meenikmati akan kebaikan dan kemurahan Tuhan...Terima kasih atas semua kebaikan Mu Tuhan dan saya berdoa agar peribadi ini suatu hari nanti akan menerima Tuhan yesus sebagai Tuhan dan juruselamatMu secara peribadi...........Terima kasih Tuhan dan semuo ni saya Mohon didalam dan dia atas nama Yesus Kristus, Tuhan dan Penyelamat kita...Amen.....



Inilah buduh dan palui punya manusia. Kau ingat si world peace tu menangis terisak isak dan bertobatlah tu baca doa kau? Kah,kah,kah! Kau mimang buduh dan palui!



bukan menangis lagi, terberak berak dan tercirit cirit!!! Kakakakakakakakakakakakakakaka.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



to ampal....


saya kesian la sama bapak and mamak si ampal....kesian dorang anak  kurang ajar macam si ampal......harap2 bertobatlah dia.....kalau tidak ....comform masuk neraka.......



kesian diri sendirila ddd. kakakakakakak!!!! mama, bapak adik beradik dan semua suku sakat kau tu yang terlebih ajar sampai jadi ddd @ die,die,die!!! kakakakakakakakakakak!!!!!!!

C U in hell!!! kakakakakakakakakakak!!!!!!

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